Saturday, June 2, 2007


If it has all that makes it unique or distint, all that is needed is to draw them to it and rest all will be taken care of...
Its said to find this uniqueness or to create one which would be known as it and only its.This is often adressed as USP(Unique Selling proposition) which has further evolved as ESP(Emotional selling proposition) which is also further evolving to something new as you are goin through this. Its not the matter of "it" being only on the Good side or the Bad, for Good or Bad is just once perception towards various objects that are brought into his contact.An example taken, liquor being sour and bitter whose intake is never advised and in excessive may lead to subconciousness or unconciousness, it tastes bitter and sour at the first go but later is enjoyed and percieved to be a crucial part of every celebration.
Every product has its audience, only its needed to make one to the other.Out of billions, a few hundred thousand surely may have same taste, so all thats needed is to find those few hundred thousand either by reaching them or letting them reach to the product.
You reach them(after-effect of advertising) or they reach you(salesmanship) are two stratergies in the warfare wherein the latter is supposedly considered to be most promising and at the same time tactical one.They reaching you is presently the most practised excercise whereas you reaching them is a more traditional approach and a silent approach-untill recently before the birth of contact centers and their efforts, mastered by all the kingpins of the Advertising fraternity.

to be continued....

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